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Troy Brazilian Wax Studio – Skin Care During Winter Months

Keeping Your Skin Smooth All Winter Long

Most of us are familiar with how our skin changes with the seasons. And the winter months elicit a greater need for attention. Whether your problem is dry cracked cuticles or bumpy, rough or flakey patches, there is a greater need to moisturize and protect your skin. During the winter months and even as we age it becomes increasingly important to establish an exfoliating routine. Living in a drier climate like Los Angeles is also another reason to keep on this great habit. Exfoliating helps to slough off the dead top layer and stimulates the skin’s deeper layers into producing new cells that will eventually rise to the surface. Think of your skin as a fountain that is continually sending fresh water (i.e cells) from it’s deeper springs. Maybe that’s why they call it the fountain of youth. In the winter and as we age the fountain’s spouts (i.e pores) get clogged more easily by dead skin and that’s where exfoliating comes in.

And when you are waxing it is equally important to exfoliate! As the new hair starts to break through the surface they can become blocked by dead skin causing ingrown hairs. And nobody likes an ingrown hair after a studio city brazilian wax! Here at Greenleaf Waxing Studio, we have lots of tools in our belt to soothe your skin woes. We love to talk skin, so don’t hesitate to ask us about different products and regimens. We’ve chosen to carry the products that we feel work the best and have consistently seen the best results with. For more information on exfoliating, check out this great article!

Stay warm and exfoliated, Metro Detroit!