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Brazilian Waxing Pre and Post Care Tips
There are a lot of waxers out there who aren’t taking the time to properly educate their clients on how to care for their skin after a Brazilian Wax. I’d like to take a few moments to leave you with some tips that will not only keep your freshly waxed skin skin smooth but also safe.
Before your Brazilian Wax:
- Avoid tanning of any kind for 24 hrs prior.
- Avoid consumption of caffeinated or alcoholic beverages beforehand.
- Do NOT shave for 2 weeks prior.
- Gently exfoliate the skin the evening before.
After your Brazilian Wax:
- Avoid tanning of any kind for another 24 hrs.
- Avoid swimming, hot tubbing or bathing for 24 hrs. (You can shower, but with luke warm water).
- Avoid rigorous exercise for 24 hrs.
- Avoid scented or harsh lotions.
- Once the hair starts to grow in (usually in about 1.5-2 weeks) start exfoliating that skin. This is going to be your number one weapon against those pesky ingrown hairs! So remember, Exfoliate, Exfoliate, Exfoliate!
It is almost spring in Metro Detroit and pretty soon the beaches will be filled with native “Brazilians”. We just want to ensure that you have the smoothest brazilian waxing experience possible.