Bikini Waxing in the News: How To Survive Your First Brazilian Waxing Without Freaking Out

My Daily recently published an article that had us LA Brazilian Waxing Gals smiling.
How To: Survive Your First Brazilian Waxing Without Freaking Out by Philippa Warr…
“The idea of taking half your clothes off, lying on a table, and spreading your legs for a stranger can be a daunting prospect for anyone (unless it’s 4am and you’re at a particular kind of house party and that’s totally your private business and we won’t be pursuing that line of enquiry any further). But, as well as being daunting, the legs akimbo nudity is an essential part of going for a Brazilian wax. In the interests of helping you to not freak out about the whole thing we spoke to Chloe, head trainer at Ministry of Waxing to get her top tips for a trauma-free wax… “